Drone Services


Film and TV aerial capture for production companies

We offer broadcast quality, aerial cinematography for feature films, dramas, advertising and documentaries.

Landscape and location photography

Drones make the ideal solution for creating that spectacular aerial photograph or capturing the moment from a unique perspective.

Travel, Sport and Tourism promotional material

Drone footage provides a fresh perspective, which can elevate your storytelling to new levels and expose your brand to new audiences.

Construction and Industrial surveys / inspections

Using a drone is a cost effective way of recording progress on a site. We can get to those ‘difficult to reach’ places to capture detailed images.

Agriculture surveys

We can provide livestock counting from the air and we are experienced in mapping rural areas such as farmland.

Property and Estates promotional material

Some properties can only really be seen and appreciated from an aerial perspective, we can provide photography, video and 360 Panoramic Photography.

Aerial panoramas and time lapse capture

We capture short or long term time lapse video, which can make great progress reporting and marketing material.

Event photography / videography

We are experienced in operating drones in the most challenging and complex situations. Health and safety is always paramount.

Do you have an upcoming project or idea?

Get In Touch

A Manchester based video and photographic production company creating brand content for the Arts, Community, Environmental, Educational, Cultural. Social, Business and Corporate.

Terms & Conditions.

Our Office

Jason Lock Productions Ltd
7 Sibley Road


+44 (0)161 431 4012
+44 (0)7889 152 747

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